Disclosure of SEC Required Order Execution and Order Routing Information
Under SEC Rule 606(a), broker-dealers that route equity and option orders on behalf of customers are required to prepare quarterly reports that disclose specific information about their order routing practices for non-directed1 orders in NMS stocks and option contracts in NMS securities.
PI Financial (US) Corp. - Quarterly Reports
- Under SEC Rule 606(b)(1) customers can request details on NMS stock and option non-directed orders in NMS securities including the identity of the venue and the time of execution for the prior six months.
- Under SEC Rule 606(b)(3) broker-dealers are required, upon request of a customer that places not held orders, to provide specific disclosures regarding routing and execution of such orders for the prior six months.
1 Any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution.